Seeking to remove a key obstacle to investing in original design.
Let’s face it. One of the biggest obstacles when deciding to invest in authentic modern design is reconciling the desire for originality and superior craftsmanship with the extended lead times that accompany those qualities. There are plenty of good reasons for this, but for those moments when your home is just that one table lamp away from being the finished oasis you envision it to be… well, let’s just say that while patience may be a virtue, home isn’t merely a place – it’s a feeling. So time is of the essence.
Select lighting designs ship in 1-2 weeks.
Santa & Cole, a small, independent outfit based in Barcelona, understand this. They have positioned themselves to address this specific challenge by establishing a proactive warehousing strategy for many of their most popular and iconic lighting models. This enables them to ship new orders within 1-2 weeks from date of purchase to anywhere in the world – a timeline which is unheard of in the world of bespoke furniture and accessories.
Cesta Metalica, Cesta, Cestita Bateria table lamps.
As a company, Santa & Cole have been on a mission to develop light as a medium for creating ambiences and moods which enhance the beauty of objects, shadows and people since their founding in 1985. Entering a bright new era fresh off the heels of a dictatorship, anything seemed possible – a sentiment which imbued founders Nina Masó, Javier Nieto Santa and Gabriel Ordeig Cole with the inspiration to try something different.
In those days, cool-to-the-touch halogen lights which gave off a clinical bluish light were in vogue, bu Santa & Cole opted for an alternative approach. They advocated for the use of natural materials such as wood, stitched cardboard or ribbons – inspiring designs such as the classic Básica lamp – and shifted the mood from cold and technical to warm and human.